Operations, Policies and Procedures

Marketlend prides itself on adhering to highest standards in the market and ensures compliance by its team through training and monitoring. All employees or contractors to Marketlend agree to observe the Policies and Procedures of Marketlend or its parent, Tyndall Capital.

These policies and procedures is available at

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Protection through strict credit control procedures

The risk assessment process of Marketlend contains many layers to ensure that the listings have a quality that can withstand scrutiny. However it is the case that Marketlend is not underwriting the risk, or offering the investor the ability to rely on Marketlend's determination of risk, so we do advise each investor perform its own due diligence. Please note that all the information we provide is the same information that we obtain other than the legal documents. Below is the steps of risk analysis that occurs before a listing is offered on the marketplace.

  • The Application is assessed using an auto decision tool and given a decision to approve, refer or reject.
  • The Applicant's financials are assessed by a risk accountant.
  • Risk factors specific to the application are entered into a complex risk model that uses algorithms to advise a likelihood of repayment of principal and interest and produces a risk assessment result.
  • A risk officer then reviews the application, risk assessment result, risk accountant's review and bank statements.
  • Finally, the Head of Risk reviews and determines whether it meets the criteria to be listed and lists the application in the marketplace.

Default reporting in detail

Collections monitors the performance of the accounts daily and coordinates with the insurer on defaulted accounts where insurance is purchased. All measures are taken to enforce defaults and a loss will be reported when all measures of collection have been exhausted.
WARNING, the legal process can take time, but we do our best to keep you informed on the commentary section of the accounts listing when we are aware of a material step that has occurred. We are very persistent on recovery processing delinquent debt and will also follow up suppliers, service providers and any other party we have a rightful claim to seek repayment.

Extra certainty through our Loss Reserve

When a loss is declared by us, first loss investment will be deducted before any investor loss. There are provisions, they are dynamic and static. Dynamic provisions are all the accounts repayments that exceed the interest only payment amount. Static provisions is the amounts paid in excess by the borrower of its interest payments. The provisions and first loss provided by Marketlend are limited and only used for the cases where application of a provision would be valid. First loss will always be applied prior to any loss by an investor

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