Admin Fee User

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  • Admin Fee User #4419

    1. The legal expenses were high due to a departure of a director. This is not likely to be ongoing.
    2. we will ask the borrower to respond
    3. we are advised that this is the case, they have sufficient cashflow and as we hold the invoices that we
    buy we can withdraw the money from those invoices upon payment
    4. the working capital is to be used to fill work orders by buying more equipment, and putting on more
    staff. We will ask the borrower to add more information


    Admin Fee User #4418

    No this would not occur, as we only fund up to 90% of the loan. So the cover is 100%

    Thank you


    Admin Fee User #4417

    Dear Lender

    We did not advance any monies as the rate was too high, and borrower did not accept it.


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