What is the nature of business ?

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  • ravindran #4370

    The company name says Audio and visual installations but I see P& L related to Quantam Health Product

    Is the incorrect P& L attached to this lender account?

    Vilarestal #4390

    I just noticed this question that does not have an answer showing, so I thought I would add some information I found to the discussion.

    Checking out the ABN (http://abncheck.com.au/abn/49138245931) yields the following:

    Suntec Audio Visual Installations Pty. Ltd.
    Trading name – Suntec Audio Visual Installations
    Business name – Cable Guy Antennas, Quantum Health (australia), Quantum Health (sa)
    Last updated – 28/09/2015

    Teddy Bañas #4392

    Dear ravindran,

    Thank you for your feedback. Quantum Health was recently acquired by Suntec Audio Visual Installations Pty Ltd therefore the P&L provided is relevant to this loan listing.


    Teddy Bañas #4393

    Dear Vilarestal,

    Thank you for the information you shared. We have also asked Suntec Audio Visual Pty Ltd to provide feedback for any queries in the discussion tab of their listing.


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