what about the existing loan

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  • otag #8515

    VTS already have a $240k loan that they have requested not to pay back the capital when it falls due. Are the funds from this new loan going to be used to pay back the capital owed on the old loan, or will this loan be in additional to the existing one?

    leotyndall #8517

    Dear Otag,

    It is not correct that VDS has requested not to pay back the capital when it’s due. VDS has made an offer to its investors to continue the loan for another 12 months. Some investors have elected not to do so and with the funds raised here those monies will be used to repay back those investors.

    In addition to that there is more funds that will be used for the business. These funds are in advance on the invoices that are issued by either Telstra or Cambridge International.

    We thank you for your enquiry and feel free to contact us on our chatlines or at assistance@marketlend.com.au.

    Kind regards

    Leo Tyndall CEO

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