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  • Amy Hannaford #3829

    Hi Marketlend team,

    Can you let me know how I can access a principal and interest repayment schedule for this and other loans that I hold?

    Shannon Parkhill #4699

    Isn’t this loan supposed to be paid up by now?

    Philip Bright #5146

    I agree Amy.

    Its very hard to understand due dates for loan repayment and what all the loan parts really mean. I have been asking the Marketlend team for a while to put the reporting in laymans terms so its easy to understand the date a loan starts, when it is due, how much capital has already been repaid, how much interest they have paid me, what my return is, and the total fees which have been taken out by the Marketlend platform. I have held back on adding additional funds to this platform until I can see a simple, easy to understand set of reporting tools…

    leotyndall #6534

    Dear All,
    I appreciate the feedback and I advise that we will be implementing some significant changes over the next weeks that will deal with the issues above.

    Whilst I appreciate from a wholistic view it might seem quiet simple to implement such changes it is very complex to protect the way the data is displayed and secure when doing such changes and we need to go through a significant assessment of risk process to implement the change.

    Feel free to send such comments directly to to get a support ticket and follow up.

    Kind regards,

    Leo Tyndall

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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