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  • loopy #5657

    The supplied P&L statement for 1 March 2015 to 29 February 2016 reports a net profit of $19,425.48, but the balance sheet, as at 29 February 2016, uses Current Year Earnings of -54,328.49 to adjust the Equity.

    Why don’t those numbers agree?

    wifi #5691

    Hi loopy,

    I have sent a request to the borrower to come back to us with a explanation. As soon as it is received I will post it here.


    Brendan, Head of Customer Sales

    joseph1 #5698

    Hi loopy,
    We chased up Trojan Security to provide us their latest Financial Statements. Please see the uploaded Financial Statements in the Credit Info tab.

    Jack Rabbit #5699

    Just for the benefit of all investors we received the following message from Trojan Security earlier today to support the new statement.

    “I believe there’s a bank rec issue as at June 2015, hence why there’s a discrepancy between the P&L and Balance Sheet. However, as at March 2016, the reconciliation has been corrected and the P&L and Balance Sheet match”

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