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  • Veronica Everett #12452

    The Credit Works report rates the company as “highly vulnerable”, scored at 147 out of 1200, with 59.04% adverse probability and 28.47% failure probability.
    There are 5 court actions, 1 less than 12 months ago and judgment still unpaid.
    2 paid defaults are also listed from 2017.

    What is the background to these issues?
    Why is the judgment from February still unpaid?

    Thanks so much.

    Veronica Everett #12453

    The [Key Information] tab for this loan has a Security section which reads:

    “As of November 2018, credit searches for the Company have revealed no payment defaults, no court actions, no court writs, and no petitions. In addition, Directors guarantees and indemnities have been obtained.”

    Does this not conflict with the Credit Works report mentioned above?

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